Moving this Summer? Here are 8 SMART Things to Do Before School Starts!

Moving is stressful, no matter when you do it. But when you move to a new school district during the summer, there are a few extra things you’ll want to consider. We have gathered our top eight things for your family to do before starting the new school year in a new home!
1. Have Fun
Let’s start this list with FUN. Before you move, sit down as a family and write out a summer bucket list.
- If you are leaving the area, identify “touristy” or “can’t miss” activities. Make sure that everyone, kids included, has items on the list.
- Plot the activities on the calendar, and stick to your schedule.
- Buy tickets ahead of time to make it harder to flake out.
- Hang the bucket list in a visible spot (like the family calendar or fridge), and check off activities as you go!
2. Set Clear Deadlines
In the midst of home shopping or buying a home now?
- Be clear with your Realtor®, lender, and family about the timeline and hard deadlines.
- Set priorities (like school districts, neighborhoods, price, or yard size). How do they change your home search?
- Explore best-case and worst-case scenarios. What can your team do to minimize and limit delays? What will you do if you do not find a suitable property before school starts? Have a plan and communicate it to everyone on your home-buying team.
3. Notify the Schools
If you haven’t already, notify your old and new schools about your move. Ensure they are transferring your kids’ records, and communicate any special instructions, care, or support that your children need. Engage professionals (like Speech Language Therapists or Pediatricians) to make appointments.
4. Clear Out the Clutter
You may be excited about your new home, but the moving process is still draining. Take it bit by bit and get the whole family involved.
- Plan packing days where everyone goes through their own rooms or one room together.
- Create piles for donations and trash.
- Get everyone excited about the new house. Plan out new room designs and make shopping lists to decorate common areas and bedrooms together.
Schedule one day per week to do this, and the whole decluttering process will feel more manageable.
5. Say Your Goodbyes
Say a proper goodbye to friends and neighbors before you pack up. Yes, technology helps us stay connected, but it’s nice to spend quality time with friends before you go (and before the craziness of school begins!). The move is also a big change for your kids, so plan play dates with their friends to ensure they have a chance to say their goodbyes as well.
6. Safety First
After you’ve moved into your new home, it’s time to create your safety plan. Look at a map of your neighborhood as a family and talk about what to do during emergencies (power outage, fire, strangers at the door, flooding, tornado, etc.). Walk to the meeting points and familiarize yourself with neighbors to practice safety plans. If you have a security system, schedule time to get it installed or coordinate with your security company to transfer service and set it up.
7. Practice School Commutes
Whether your kids are taking a bus, walking to school, or riding with you, practice the routes before school begins. Visit the schools during open houses, and learn where the offices, classrooms, restrooms, lunch rooms (and options), etc. are. And parents, don’t forget to practice your new work commutes to familiarize yourself with the timing, traffic, routes, and alternate routes.
8. Explore the New Area
What can explore before school starts? Do some research on local websites then check out local cafes, restaurants, shops, museums, parks, playgroups, networking groups, date night spots, and grocery stores. Walk your neighborhood and meet the neighbors. It will take time to find your favorites, but it all starts with getting out there and seeing what’s around you.