DC, Maryland, and Virginia Counties Allowing E-Closings

District of Columbia Allows E-Closings
For more information on data collection, please contact info@smartsettlements.com or the entity directly. Data is subject to change as county/jurisdiction policies may change without our knowledge.
Maryland Counties Available for Partial or Full E-Closings
Below are the list of counties that will allow e-closings.*
*Information in this list was provided via phone and/or website by each county. For more information on data collection, please contact info@smartsettlements.com or the entity directly. Data is subject to change as county/jurisdiction policies may change without our knowledge.
Virginia Counties Available for Partial or Full E-Closings
Below are the list of Virginia counties that will allow e-closings.*
*Information in this list was provided via phone and/or website by each county. For more information on data collection, please contact info@smartsettlements.com or the entity directly. Data is subject to change as county/jurisdiction policies may change without our knowledge.
For additional information on this topic contact Evelyn Miller, Partner, at 202-753-7400.